Chronic Pain and Inflammation

Chronic Pain and Inflammation

February 08, 20239 min read

Chronic Pain – How Does CBD Help?

Inflammation is a signal to the body that something is wrong and the body is either:

a. fighting a toxin (i.e. food you're sensitive to; virus; heavy metal; chemical) or

b. is calming, cleaning and healing a physical or emotional trauma.

Chronic pain is chronic inflammation. Inflammation is correlated with virtually all disease, including arthritis,

anxiety, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and heart disease. While inflammation is a perfectly normal and

beneficial process that occurs when your body's white blood cells and inflammatory cytokines protect you

from pathogens like bacteria and viruses, it leads to trouble when the inflammatory response gets out of

hand and continues indefinitely. As in the case of arthritis or an autoimmune disease – the body seems like it

is attacking itself. This is actually an Immune System problem, where the Immune System goes into hyperdrive

and creates too much inflammation (which is then termed arthritis or the “cytokine storm”). Chronic

inflammation appears as congestion, mucous, pain, weight gain, skin eruptions, undiagnosed pain, digestion

issues, brain fog and more.

Acute inflammation can result from: exposure to a substance, such as a bee sting or pollen; an

injury, or a viral infection. If the Immune System cannot quell and/or kill that toxin, then it goes into hyper

drive and causes a chronic situation where the body starts attacking the toxin

continuously -and automatically -thus the term “autoimmune disease”. A disease of the

Immune System occurs when it starts automatically driving inflammation to quell some toxin or physical


Although environmental toxins can be a source of inflammation: hazardous chemicals in

cosmetics, lotions and potions; fire retardant in our clothing, furniture and toys; Teflon

on our pans – (the list goes on and on...) – a significant source of inflammation comes from our

food – yes, our food! Most of us have food sensitivities that we are not even aware of. Not only has the FDA

allowed the food industry to process the nutrients out of our food (“refined”), they’ve also allowed over 3,000

food additives that are hidden in every day foods, feeding us neurotoxins daily. These neurotoxins (i.e.

synthetic flavorings and colorings, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils) produce inflammation. At some point,

the body cannot handle the

toxicity and inflammation and begins to break down. The nervous system gets overloaded

(nerve pain, anxiety, MS), the endocrine system goes whacky (thyroid and weight-loss issues),

the arteries and brain get clogged up with inflammation causing plaque (atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s); yeast

and bacteria overgrow to candida and cancer, etc.

It is at this stage that a modulating drug (like CBD) would be of benefit – to increase the

inflammatory cytokines when necessary and to decrease inflammatory cytokines when the Immune System

overdoes it. That is the definition of “modulating”, another amazing way the ECS works to continually balance

our systems. CBD can jumpstart the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS jumps in when the Immune

System becomes compromised or dysfunctional. Both the Immune System and the ECS are in charge of

inflammation, but it is the ECS that

brings down the inflammation in cancer, Covid and arthritis and other conditions.

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

The Immune System sends in inflammatory molecules (macrophages, B cells, T cells) to kill cancer or a virus-

but then goes into a hyperdrive state when the toxin or inflammation cannot be quelled - thereby bringing on

an autoimmune type response- and this is when we need the ECS to come in and balance the Immune

System’s over reaction.

There is a reason that our CBD receptors are located in the Immune Cells, that there is an ECS ligand in every

cell in our body and that the ECS receptors are located in every organ in our body - including the brain and

skin. No other system in the body is as important or as big. (Yet western medicine refuses to learn about it

because it is attached to cannabis). Most studies on the ECS have been done in the last three years. The

Endocannabinoid System contributes to most all functions in the body from birth to death: perception to pain,

pain, inflammation, mood, behavior, traumatic memories, joy and much more.

We are only at the tip of the iceberg in finding out about the miraculous way the body works and how our ECS

plays a major role in that miracle every day. It is my hope to jumpstart your ECS and lead you to a better

quality of life.

CBD is a significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. CBD has also been shown to interrupt the chronic pain

inflammatory cycle, much like a cortisone shot might. With many diseases and conditions including Diabetes,

cardiovascular disease, arthritis and cancer, we see a hyper-response by the Immune System. CBD can

modulate or lessen this hyper response from the Immune System. With arthritis or chronic pain, the

inflammation is compounded by the Immune System sending in more inflammatory cytokines. CBD interrupts

the inflammatory cycle and bathes the area in anti-inflammatories so the body can heal itself. With stroke and

brain injury, inflammation causes tissue death. It is actually the secondary Immune response of inflammatory

cytokines sent in that creates the most damage within the first 6 hours. Many researchers assert that CBD may

offset this tissue death (paralysis, cognition issues) if used within the first few hours after an ischemic event.

The federal government’s patent on cannabis (synthetic and natural non-psychoactive cannabinoids) also

corroborates this:

Top Foods that Create Inflammation

Sugar: Not only does sugar deplete the immune system, it creates Fatty Liver Disease in 5 year

olds (high fructose corn syrup). Sugar is the leading cause of inflammation. We know that cancer and viruses

feed off the glucose in our cells. We know that cancer follows inflammation.

Artificial sweeteners are worse – seen as a sugar plus the liver has to deal with a synthetic

chemical (toxin). Alcohol converts to sugar. Carbs convert to sugar.

Grains: The food industry has stripped all our grains of the fiber and nutrients. In addition to the gluten

problem in grains, the fiber and minerals have been processed out (refined). This means the grain sits in the

digestive tract like cement. Grains are now completely difficult to digest. The gut gets inflamed and leads to

Leaky Gut. Soy, corn, wheat, barley have all been highly processed in this country. (Eat all the pasta you want

in Italy, they don’t refine grains!)

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

Dairy: 75% of the world’s population has a sensitivity towards cow’s milk. We absorb little of

the calcium in milk. It is loaded with carbohydrates (which convert to sugar). Homogenization kills off the

pathogens and also the beneficial nutrients. It is better to

drink and eat goat’s milk or pea protein (Ripple) or even almond milk (watch sugar/carbs).

Plus, if you drink “low fat” milk, you are actually taking out a beneficial part! We need fats in

our system.

Vegetable Oil: Canola, Wesson, Palm, etc. These Industrial seed oils have no vegetables in them. Developed

from seeds in the last 20 years and labelled for marketing purposes by the food industry. Very difficult to

digest. Oxidize quickly so deodorizers and flavorings are used to offset the oxidation. Fried foods/salad

dressing/restaurant food/boxed/canned foods all contain vegetable oils which are Omega 6’s. Omega 6’s

compete with Omega 3’s, meaning the fatty acid receptors get filled up or clogged up with 6, and cannot

digest Omega 3’s. Western diet contains 10:1 ratio of Omega 6: Omega 3, it should be 4:1.

Omega 3 fatty acids are incredibly important for nerve and brain health (brain injury, depression, anxiety,

ADHD, inflammation) and crucial to making CBD in our bodies. Our brain is mostly comprised of Omega 3 Fatty

Acids. The CBD-like molecule that feeds our Endocannabinoid System is made from Omega 3’s. Use Extra

Virgin Olive Oil/Coconut/Avocado/Algae oils instead, and even grass-fed butter.

MSG: Neurotoxin and liver toxin (toxins create inflammation), MSG is the most common food additive that is

now labelled “Natural Flavoring”. Found in restaurant food, canned soups, fast food, salad dressing, bacon,

sausage, jerky, smoked meats, ham, deli meats

Pesticides, Herbicides, Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines: All cause inflammation and contribute

greatly to the toxic load of the liver, the brain, the gut and the Immune System.

Raw Nuts, Lectins: For some, the enzyme on the nuts trigger inflammation; Lectins (night

shade plants lie tomatoes) are also, for some – a cause of inflammation and food sensitivity.

Here are some important Anti-inflammatory Sources:

JJ Virgin: Seven Foods to NOT Eat:

Eric Berg: 10 Triggers of Inflammation:

What is Inflammation and How to Interrupt the Chronic Cycle: Fasting (vitamins

D3+K2 and CBD) Vitamin D increases antioxidants; decreases inflammation; Fasting Interrupts Inflammatory


Joseph Mercola, DO Anti-Inflammatory Foods:


Vitamins I suggest:

CBD Oil: Will’s Wonder Anti-viral CBD:!/Wills-Wonder-CBD-Oil-Viral-Support-1oz-


CBD/Turmeric/Omega 3 Capsules:!/CBD-Omega-Turmeric-Capsules-15-mg-each-60-


Vit D3+K2:!/D-Evail-tm-10K/p/373044572/category=114130018

Omega 3 DHA + EPA (2,000 -5,000mg/day) DHA is the specific Omega 3 that converts to CBD; DHA is a major

component of our brain, EPA supports organs, joints, skin, blood and more:!/OmegaAvail/p/439503533/category=114130018

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

MCT Oil: (organic) Contains easily digestible fatty acids that quickly convert to ketones, giving the brain,

muscles and other tissue fast and sustained energy. (Garden of Life)

More CBD Information:

“The endogenous cannabinoid system—named for the plant that led to its discovery—is one of the most

important physiologic systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health. Endocannabinoids and

their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune

cells. With its complex actions in our immune system, nervous system, and virtually all of the body’s organs,

the endocannabinoids are literally a bridge between body and mind. By understanding this system, we begin

to see a mechanism that could connect brain activity and states of physical health and disease:

Getting High on the Endocannabinoid System. Cerebrum : the Dana Forum on Brain Science, vol.2013, 14.Alger

B. E. (2013)

Arthritis and CBD, Philip Blair, MD:

Inflammation and Immune Regulation with CBD, Philip Blair, MD:

The Medicinal Power of Cannabis, Skyhorse Publishing (2015), John Hicks, MD

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

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Chronic Pain and Inflammation

Chronic Pain and Inflammation

February 08, 20239 min read

Chronic Pain – How Does CBD Help?

Inflammation is a signal to the body that something is wrong and the body is either:

a. fighting a toxin (i.e. food you're sensitive to; virus; heavy metal; chemical) or

b. is calming, cleaning and healing a physical or emotional trauma.

Chronic pain is chronic inflammation. Inflammation is correlated with virtually all disease, including arthritis,

anxiety, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and heart disease. While inflammation is a perfectly normal and

beneficial process that occurs when your body's white blood cells and inflammatory cytokines protect you

from pathogens like bacteria and viruses, it leads to trouble when the inflammatory response gets out of

hand and continues indefinitely. As in the case of arthritis or an autoimmune disease – the body seems like it

is attacking itself. This is actually an Immune System problem, where the Immune System goes into hyperdrive

and creates too much inflammation (which is then termed arthritis or the “cytokine storm”). Chronic

inflammation appears as congestion, mucous, pain, weight gain, skin eruptions, undiagnosed pain, digestion

issues, brain fog and more.

Acute inflammation can result from: exposure to a substance, such as a bee sting or pollen; an

injury, or a viral infection. If the Immune System cannot quell and/or kill that toxin, then it goes into hyper

drive and causes a chronic situation where the body starts attacking the toxin

continuously -and automatically -thus the term “autoimmune disease”. A disease of the

Immune System occurs when it starts automatically driving inflammation to quell some toxin or physical


Although environmental toxins can be a source of inflammation: hazardous chemicals in

cosmetics, lotions and potions; fire retardant in our clothing, furniture and toys; Teflon

on our pans – (the list goes on and on...) – a significant source of inflammation comes from our

food – yes, our food! Most of us have food sensitivities that we are not even aware of. Not only has the FDA

allowed the food industry to process the nutrients out of our food (“refined”), they’ve also allowed over 3,000

food additives that are hidden in every day foods, feeding us neurotoxins daily. These neurotoxins (i.e.

synthetic flavorings and colorings, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils) produce inflammation. At some point,

the body cannot handle the

toxicity and inflammation and begins to break down. The nervous system gets overloaded

(nerve pain, anxiety, MS), the endocrine system goes whacky (thyroid and weight-loss issues),

the arteries and brain get clogged up with inflammation causing plaque (atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s); yeast

and bacteria overgrow to candida and cancer, etc.

It is at this stage that a modulating drug (like CBD) would be of benefit – to increase the

inflammatory cytokines when necessary and to decrease inflammatory cytokines when the Immune System

overdoes it. That is the definition of “modulating”, another amazing way the ECS works to continually balance

our systems. CBD can jumpstart the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS jumps in when the Immune

System becomes compromised or dysfunctional. Both the Immune System and the ECS are in charge of

inflammation, but it is the ECS that

brings down the inflammation in cancer, Covid and arthritis and other conditions.

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

The Immune System sends in inflammatory molecules (macrophages, B cells, T cells) to kill cancer or a virus-

but then goes into a hyperdrive state when the toxin or inflammation cannot be quelled - thereby bringing on

an autoimmune type response- and this is when we need the ECS to come in and balance the Immune

System’s over reaction.

There is a reason that our CBD receptors are located in the Immune Cells, that there is an ECS ligand in every

cell in our body and that the ECS receptors are located in every organ in our body - including the brain and

skin. No other system in the body is as important or as big. (Yet western medicine refuses to learn about it

because it is attached to cannabis). Most studies on the ECS have been done in the last three years. The

Endocannabinoid System contributes to most all functions in the body from birth to death: perception to pain,

pain, inflammation, mood, behavior, traumatic memories, joy and much more.

We are only at the tip of the iceberg in finding out about the miraculous way the body works and how our ECS

plays a major role in that miracle every day. It is my hope to jumpstart your ECS and lead you to a better

quality of life.

CBD is a significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. CBD has also been shown to interrupt the chronic pain

inflammatory cycle, much like a cortisone shot might. With many diseases and conditions including Diabetes,

cardiovascular disease, arthritis and cancer, we see a hyper-response by the Immune System. CBD can

modulate or lessen this hyper response from the Immune System. With arthritis or chronic pain, the

inflammation is compounded by the Immune System sending in more inflammatory cytokines. CBD interrupts

the inflammatory cycle and bathes the area in anti-inflammatories so the body can heal itself. With stroke and

brain injury, inflammation causes tissue death. It is actually the secondary Immune response of inflammatory

cytokines sent in that creates the most damage within the first 6 hours. Many researchers assert that CBD may

offset this tissue death (paralysis, cognition issues) if used within the first few hours after an ischemic event.

The federal government’s patent on cannabis (synthetic and natural non-psychoactive cannabinoids) also

corroborates this:

Top Foods that Create Inflammation

Sugar: Not only does sugar deplete the immune system, it creates Fatty Liver Disease in 5 year

olds (high fructose corn syrup). Sugar is the leading cause of inflammation. We know that cancer and viruses

feed off the glucose in our cells. We know that cancer follows inflammation.

Artificial sweeteners are worse – seen as a sugar plus the liver has to deal with a synthetic

chemical (toxin). Alcohol converts to sugar. Carbs convert to sugar.

Grains: The food industry has stripped all our grains of the fiber and nutrients. In addition to the gluten

problem in grains, the fiber and minerals have been processed out (refined). This means the grain sits in the

digestive tract like cement. Grains are now completely difficult to digest. The gut gets inflamed and leads to

Leaky Gut. Soy, corn, wheat, barley have all been highly processed in this country. (Eat all the pasta you want

in Italy, they don’t refine grains!)

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

Dairy: 75% of the world’s population has a sensitivity towards cow’s milk. We absorb little of

the calcium in milk. It is loaded with carbohydrates (which convert to sugar). Homogenization kills off the

pathogens and also the beneficial nutrients. It is better to

drink and eat goat’s milk or pea protein (Ripple) or even almond milk (watch sugar/carbs).

Plus, if you drink “low fat” milk, you are actually taking out a beneficial part! We need fats in

our system.

Vegetable Oil: Canola, Wesson, Palm, etc. These Industrial seed oils have no vegetables in them. Developed

from seeds in the last 20 years and labelled for marketing purposes by the food industry. Very difficult to

digest. Oxidize quickly so deodorizers and flavorings are used to offset the oxidation. Fried foods/salad

dressing/restaurant food/boxed/canned foods all contain vegetable oils which are Omega 6’s. Omega 6’s

compete with Omega 3’s, meaning the fatty acid receptors get filled up or clogged up with 6, and cannot

digest Omega 3’s. Western diet contains 10:1 ratio of Omega 6: Omega 3, it should be 4:1.

Omega 3 fatty acids are incredibly important for nerve and brain health (brain injury, depression, anxiety,

ADHD, inflammation) and crucial to making CBD in our bodies. Our brain is mostly comprised of Omega 3 Fatty

Acids. The CBD-like molecule that feeds our Endocannabinoid System is made from Omega 3’s. Use Extra

Virgin Olive Oil/Coconut/Avocado/Algae oils instead, and even grass-fed butter.

MSG: Neurotoxin and liver toxin (toxins create inflammation), MSG is the most common food additive that is

now labelled “Natural Flavoring”. Found in restaurant food, canned soups, fast food, salad dressing, bacon,

sausage, jerky, smoked meats, ham, deli meats

Pesticides, Herbicides, Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines: All cause inflammation and contribute

greatly to the toxic load of the liver, the brain, the gut and the Immune System.

Raw Nuts, Lectins: For some, the enzyme on the nuts trigger inflammation; Lectins (night

shade plants lie tomatoes) are also, for some – a cause of inflammation and food sensitivity.

Here are some important Anti-inflammatory Sources:

JJ Virgin: Seven Foods to NOT Eat:

Eric Berg: 10 Triggers of Inflammation:

What is Inflammation and How to Interrupt the Chronic Cycle: Fasting (vitamins

D3+K2 and CBD) Vitamin D increases antioxidants; decreases inflammation; Fasting Interrupts Inflammatory


Joseph Mercola, DO Anti-Inflammatory Foods:


Vitamins I suggest:

CBD Oil: Will’s Wonder Anti-viral CBD:!/Wills-Wonder-CBD-Oil-Viral-Support-1oz-


CBD/Turmeric/Omega 3 Capsules:!/CBD-Omega-Turmeric-Capsules-15-mg-each-60-


Vit D3+K2:!/D-Evail-tm-10K/p/373044572/category=114130018

Omega 3 DHA + EPA (2,000 -5,000mg/day) DHA is the specific Omega 3 that converts to CBD; DHA is a major

component of our brain, EPA supports organs, joints, skin, blood and more:!/OmegaAvail/p/439503533/category=114130018

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

MCT Oil: (organic) Contains easily digestible fatty acids that quickly convert to ketones, giving the brain,

muscles and other tissue fast and sustained energy. (Garden of Life)

More CBD Information:

“The endogenous cannabinoid system—named for the plant that led to its discovery—is one of the most

important physiologic systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health. Endocannabinoids and

their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune

cells. With its complex actions in our immune system, nervous system, and virtually all of the body’s organs,

the endocannabinoids are literally a bridge between body and mind. By understanding this system, we begin

to see a mechanism that could connect brain activity and states of physical health and disease:

Getting High on the Endocannabinoid System. Cerebrum : the Dana Forum on Brain Science, vol.2013, 14.Alger

B. E. (2013)

Arthritis and CBD, Philip Blair, MD:

Inflammation and Immune Regulation with CBD, Philip Blair, MD:

The Medicinal Power of Cannabis, Skyhorse Publishing (2015), John Hicks, MD

Ali Stoddard | | (925) 899-4539 |

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Disclaimer: This product is not for use by or sale to persons under the age of 18. This product should be used only as directed on the label. It should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. A Doctor’s advice should be sought before using this and any supplemental dietary product. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with nor do they endorse this product. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. By using this site, you agree to follow the Privacy Policy and all Terms & Conditions printed on this site. Void Where Prohibited by Law.

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